
a cure

the sun was out and bright but i couldn't get rid of my chill. i jumped and jumped and rubbed my hands together. i put my face into the sun and tried to swallow. i couldn't get rid of my chill.


miss idaho gave a prayer before the racers got on their marks. she asked god to provide us with a cure before even one more women suffers from this awful thing. i wondered why nearly three thousand people donated thirty dollars if a prayer is all that was needed.

what will it mean when the next mother or sister or daughter or aunt dies? will miss idaho feel devastated that her prayer was not answered?


the lady in front of me had a placard below her race number saying "i'm racing in memory of: ____." i wanted one so i could put michelle's name in writing but the countdown had already begun.


at the finish line i watched people in pink hug each other, many women with pink scarves identifying them as survivors. i thought about michelle, and i thought about miss idaho's prayer.