
lightning in a tunnel

long tunnel makes like a telescope and magnifies the brightness at the other end. but that's all it does, magnifies. makes it seem brighter than it really is. makes it seem so close but when you reach out to touch the light you feel nothing and you lean toward it thinking you're so close and you start falling but trust that the brightness will catch you because it seems so close and so real and so thick that surely it must catch you from slamming into the ground. but you keep falling with your arms stretched before you.

while on the ground you hear vehicles coming toward you from the end of the tunnel but you can't see anything. you roll over and look up and everything gets closer and you don't even make an effort to move, hoping the sound is of the same illusion as the light. but then you feel the ground shake and you doubt but don't move. the ground shakes even more. you doubt but you don't move.

then one day many years later you are in oklahoma during a lazy evening when off on the dead horizon you see a streak of lightning and you reach out and grab it with both hands and take it close to your face and it burns your lips until they bleed but you don't care because now the illusion is yours.

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