
dialogue with a snowboarder

(reflections on my snowboarding trip to mt. spokane this weekend)

interviewer: so, i saw you attempt that jump under chair five.

snowboarder: right on.

i: i was impressed with the body control.

s: right on.

i: the twists and flip were amazing.

s: (smiling) right on.

i: can you tell me about the landing, though?

s: uh, did you see it?

i: yes, i did. everything seemed to be going perfectly well right up until the landing.

s: well, i thought it went well enough.

i: but you landed on your head.

s: are you sure about that?

i: yes, right under chair five.

s: oh, well that’s a pretty big jump. pretty gnarly.

i: it was on the bunny slope.

s: well...

i: so, were the twists and flip intentional?

s: what magazine did you say you write for?


j said...

too funny. but seriously, just using your blog to sign into mine... :)

j said...

never mind...fancy blogger that can read and then approve comments!