
things to do in the dark

1. use electricity

2. put your sunglasses away

3. put your suntan lotion away

4. watch one of those movies that is too dark to watch during the day

5. get sleepy way too early

6. blah(g)

7. get out your sunglasses and clean them just in case the earth tilts on its axis

8. knit / quilt

9. try to remember what the sun looked like

10. laundry

--Leave a comment if you have a good suggestion that isn't on this list.


LP said...

Make love.

Scott McMurtrey said...

this is a PG rated blah(g)

Melanie said...

Swiss Cake rolls are fun to eat in the dark. At least I think it would be fun. They are good in the light, dark, day, night, happy, sad, hungry, full.

Or....you could blow bubbles with gum and guess how big the bubbles are, and hope it doesn't pop in your face. And if it does pop in your face at least it will give you something to do for a while.

LP said...

“I recall a time when the dogs barked every night and the moon was always full.”
-Joan Didion, The White Album