
My Leaves Will Fall

My leaves will fall and the ground will be covered and the wind will blow them away. Green then yellow then brown then dead and tumbling away from me. Tumbling away in the wind and I'll stand here naked and cold and alone.


The door was open so I stepped in and she came around the corner looking at me like she'd never seen me before. Like I was a stranger she'd never known and loved.

Winter's come early this year. Water-filled skies raining icy drops that pierce me until I bleed.

The winter has come early this year and on the way back to my suitcase and bed the wind pushes and pushes and pushes me down.


Jean said...

Scott, I love you.

Melanie said...


LP said...

hang in there...spring always comes

Alan said...

It is a beautiful thing to feel...to be real...even pain...maybe, especially pain...