
punt my head

punt my head and wash my hands of dirty little pieces of dirt dirtying my bruised fingers every time the sun drops so early here in the land of wobbly-hilled brown and black and gray earth. earth mothered the ache in my leg and the limp in my leg, in my step, in the dance i created with rum flavored ice flavored water.

taste me and tell me what i'm worth.

you played that song for me yesterday and told me to listen word for word and the words said "i don't want you to be alone down there" and you said it would be fine.

catch me, catch my head and taste my worth and please run a finger through my hair and laugh so loud you cry. run with me counting star after star after star in the fog-lit night, fog-lit morning, fog-lit life.


LP said...

so beautiful, and heart-wrenching

Melanie said...

Big hug from me to you.